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We sell sheet music by vacation musical.

Score list​

                          アレンジャー 高久弦太(ペンネーム:山中哲人)



Weiss: Capriccio

Composer: Silvius Leopold Weiss

Arranger: Tetsuto Yamanaka

600 yen (tax included)

 Weiss: Capriccio

  This work is an arrangement of the lute work <Capriccio> by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) for the keyboard. The original song is in D major, but it has been transposed to A major, which is the proper range of the keyboard. In addition, the performance effect is enhanced by adding counter-melody so that the keyboard is fully responsive. Also, I respected the style of the Baroque era and tried to arrange it as if it were an original keyboard work.

Weiss: Passacaglia

Composer: Silvius Leopold Weiss

Arranger: Tetsuto Yamanaka

600 yen (tax included)

Weiss: Tombeau dedicated to Count Rosie

Composer: Silvius Leopold Weiss

Arranger: Tetsuto Yamanaka

600 yen (tax included)

F. Couplan: Mysterious Barricade

Composer: Francois Couplin

Arranger: Tetsuto Yamanaka

600 yen (tax included)

Vice: Fantasy

Composer: Silvius Leopold Weiss

Arranger: Tetsuto Yamanaka

600 yen (tax included)

 Weiss: Passacaglia

  This work is an arrangement of the lute work "Passacaglia" by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) for the keyboard. The performance effect is enhanced by adding counter-melody so that the keyboard is fully responsive. Also, I respected the style of the Baroque era and tried to arrange it as if it were an original keyboard work.

 Weiss: Tombeau dedicated to Count Rosie

  This work is an arrangement of the lute work of Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) <Tombeau of Count Rosie> for the keyboard. The performance effect is enhanced by adding counter-melody so that the keyboard is fully responsive. Also, I respected the style of the Baroque era and tried to arrange it as if it were an original keyboard work.

F. Couplan: Mysterious Barricade

This work is a masterpiece of Francois and is played frequently today, but the origin of the title "Les Barricades mistérieuses" is not clear. In Japanese, there are various translations such as "mysterious barricade", "mysterious barrier" and "mysterious barrier", and what the title means is wrapped in a mysterious veil. With the use of effective mooring sounds while assembling a simple harmony, it is always in a state of being "impressed", which is like a skillful romance bargain, yet feels the nobility of a noble woman. .. The original song is in B flat major, which is played in the harpsichord, but when played in this key on the piano, the weight of the bass is noticeable and it is difficult to express elegance, so it is in E flat major. I played in. It was a drastic decision, but as a result, I think I was able to maximize the appeal of this song on the piano.

* The ornamental sounds on the score are different from the original symbols, so please refer to the original for the original ornamental sounds.

Vice: Fantasy

This work is an arrangement of the lute work "Fantasy" by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) for the keyboard. The performance effect is enhanced by adding counter-melody so that the keyboard is fully responsive. Also, I respected the style of the Baroque era and tried to arrange it as if it were an original keyboard work.

JS Bach: Fugue

(From BWV1005)

Composer: JS Bach

Arranger: Tetsuto Yamanaka

1000 yen (tax included)

JS Bach: Fugue (from BWV1005)

This work is an arrangement of the fugue of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)'s "Sonata for Unaccompanied Violin BWV1005" for the keyboard. In the arrangement, the original song was transposed from C major to G major, and a new counter-melody was added while respecting the voice progression of the original song as much as possible. I aimed for a natural arrangement as if it were Bach's original keyboard work.


Composer: JS Bach

Arranger: Tetsuto Yamanaka

1000 yen (tax included)





クロード=ベニーニュ・バルバトル(Claude-Bénigne Balbastre 1729-1799) 
  バルバトルはラモーの後、ヴェルサイユで最も権勢を誇った作曲家。1755年に コンセール・スピリチュエルでデビュー。さらに1760年にノートルダム大聖堂のオルガニストに就任。1776年にはルイ16世の弟プロヴァンス伯(後のルイ18世)付きのオルガニストに指名され、マリー・アントワネットにもクラヴサンの指導を行う。しかし、1789年のフランス革命による王家の没落と共にその地位を失い、晩年は〈ラ・マルセイエーズ〉などの革命歌を編曲しつつ貧困のうちに没した。

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